Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Facts on Setting

Much Ado About Nothing is set in Messina, which is a small island off of the coast of Italy. When designing a set and thinking about costume, it is important to look at the area in which the show takes place. You wouldnt want to put all the characters in snow coats when the show takes place in Hawaii, for example.

Messina, Italy is located in the Mediterranean. Thus it can be assumed the climate is relatively hot/warm and thus light, flowing clothes would be appropriate. Some of the heavier garments of the 17th century would seem out of place in such a hot climate. Also, during the dinner scenes and banquets that take place in Much Ado about Nothing, the food on the table would reflect the Mediterranean style. Therefore, fish, fruit, vegetables, bread, and not red meat or fried foods. Also wine would be a big part of any celebration or dinner. Lastly, the garden scene would be filled with the plants that are normally found in Italy. Plants such as bourgainvilla, campsis, the bird of prardise, and cactus are some of the most commonly found vegetation.

The Bird of Paradise

"The Sicily Site - Sicilian Plants." Sicily - Holidays in Scicily Italy. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. <http://www.thesicilysite.com/Pages/plants.htm>.

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